It looks like it's time for me to heed the advice of some fellow radio nuts in an Internet Radio Broadcasting Facebook group that I belong to. Apparently most people who listen to classic rock and/or oldies radio want to hear songs that, for the most part, they are familiar with. An occasional "wow" factor is okay, but if you primarily base your station on material that only a hardcore record collector would know, then your station will never build a significant audience.
It's going to take me the rest of the summer to do it, but The Retro Attic will eventually be formatted so that classic and lost top 40 hits from the 50's through the 80's will make up the majority of the programming day. 2 hours of each day will be devoted to songs from these decades that hit the bottom half of the charts or didn't chart at all(and each day, these 2 hours will be totally different!). There will still be a Featured Artist Of The Month heard once an hour, but only during the other 22 hours of the day. Requests will always be accepted.
I will admit that I have programmed my station during the past 3 years with primary emphasis on what I want to play, and that was apparently not the correct way of thinking. Whatever it takes, I will make The Retro Attic one of your ideal choices for oldies music. If you have any comments, then please feel free to submit them; I need to start listening to YOU, not me!


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